Groundhog Day: Breaking Free

This blog discusses the premise of the cult classic movie, “Groundhog Day” as a story of what happens when we break free from the ruts or patterns that we get stuck in. What if you have to live the same day over and over again until you learned slowly step by step that changing your mindset and thus your behavior could lead to happiness?

Here’s the link: Break out the popcorn (with butter, please)

Early last week, I awakened to the feeling that I was living in the movie, “Groundhog Day”. Probably, the working from home and sharing working and living space with my family 24/7 started to catch up to me. I seriously missed teaching and working with clients in person and the overall feeling of being connected with society. I missed looking into the faces of friends versus staring at a screen and dancing amongst a crowd of people instead of isolated dancing in my home. Yes, my friends…I was feeling down. Negativity was taking hold. Sigh! Usually an optimist, I simply felt stuck as if reliving the same day over and over again. I am sure many of you can relate? But…am I truly stuck in Groundhog Day?

My mentor, Chase Bossart will often refer to the movie, “Groundhog Day” as an analogy for the teachings of yoga. The plot of this movie is considered a sort of “rebirth” in which the main character played by the seriously talented, Bill Murray learns over a LONG period of time that changing his mindset and going from small to progressively bigger changes in his behavior ultimately leads to the manifestation of his heart’s desire…connection and happiness with himself and a love interest. GH Day is about the art of improving one’s self through the conscious decisions we make on a day to day basis. It is about discovering the possibility of living as if there is no tomorrow. It’s about learning to be present. (yep…the teachings of yoga)

So, am I really stuck in Groundhog Day? No, my friends, I am not! These yoga teachings live inside of me on a deep level and I understand that I do have the power to change my mindset and behavior. It’s true that I have to stay home to work but I made a simply change this week that is helping me to feel more space. When I am not teaching or working with a private client, I am heading outside to write, answer emails, etc. (office work). I am surrounded by beautiful trees, blue sky, songs of birds, and my little dog that loves to sun himself on the deck. Connecting to nature will help most people reduce their stress and replace the feeling of overwhelm with that of calm. Remember that the yoga process is about how you link in each moment to help you remain balanced.

The first step is becoming aware of our inner G.P.S. (how you are feeling) and then noticing a choice you are making that may be contributing to this feeling. For example, if you are feeling a bit lethargic, then try these generalized strategies: (note: these are not specific strategies based on an individual’s health condition/s)

  • getting more movement in your day

  • play with gentle back bends and lateral postures in your practice

  • connect and expand your inhale (at a comfortable pace)

  • use sound/mantra at a louder volume and raise the pitch

    Off the mat:

  • wear brighter colors

  • place flowers somewhere that you will see them often in your home

  • connect to a friend that lifts your spirits

  • put on fun music and dance

You will be happy to know that I used those last two “off the mat” strategies to pick up my energy. I met up with lively, playful friends both on Thursday and Friday nights last week. Both of those friends love to dance and when I told them that I JUST needed to dance, they listened. With one friend, we danced in the parking lot of a local restaurant. The other friend and I danced on my deck laughing and sweating until 10:30 p.m. It was in fact what I needed to break free. See you later, Groundhog Day!!

I would love to know your strategies for how you make each day unique during this time of doing things differently.